Don't be shy

Please don't be shy. I want to hear what you have to say, so please comment on my blog. You don't even have to agree with me, actually it will make the debate and conversation even more enjoyable if you don't. But if you do agree be sure to let me. I wish this blog to be a place where opinions can be expressed freely, ideas can be shared and stories can be told.
Melanie xxx

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Does Einstein should have been ashamed to be a genius?

A couple of weeks back I was in line at the grocery’s store. There was a young couple in front of me. The girl was flipping through the page of People magazine when she came across an article about Angelina Jolie. The guy said Angelina was hot. The girl’s answer shocked me and, I must admit, upset me.

"Yes but she got no credit because she was born like this. It’s easy to have a life when you are so beautiful. She would be absolutely no one without her ass. I hate those people because they are not even a bit ashamed of what they have. They take everything and don't think about people that don't have their chance." 

I had to fight really hard no to jump into the conversation and tell her what an idiot I thought she was. Seriously, am I the only one who sees the wrong in her remark? Why should Angelina feel ashamed of anything? She's beautiful and proud what's wrong with that? We are already ashamed of our faults and now we should be ashamed of our qualities. Being beautiful is just an extra to all she does. Why should we remove her credit because she was born beautiful?

I don’t get it. Does that mean that Einstein doesn't deserve any credit because he was born a genius? Does that mean that Picasso and Beethoven should have been ashamed of being gifted?

Come on, give the girl a break. We all work with what we have. Some are born beautiful, some with intelligence, some with talent, some with a bit of all and some with the full package deal. I wouldn't apply for engineering’s job because I know I don't have the competencies to do it. You just have to accept yourself and your limits, and if your limits annoy you well it’s up to you to change them.

The goal in life is to bring yourself to a higher level not to bring down everyone to your level so that you feel better. I'm not going to wear jogging-pants just in case that I might offend the girl that doesn't have nice legs if I wear a nice skirt. If you want my legs: workout for it. Should I start to look like crap just in case I meet a girl that does so that she doesn't feel bad about herself? I'm not going be ashamed to be beautiful, just like I'm not going be ashamed to excel at my work while some don't. Let me give you a dose of painful truth, hating all the girls with a nice ass won’t make yours smaller!

I don’t mean any disrespect to anyone. I don’t believe you have to be Angelina Jolie or a size 1 to be beautiful, quite the opposite but I do believe that if your are a size 14 and you are unhappy about it, the solution is not to hate the size-1-girl but to workout. Same rule applies if you don’t excel, as you would like at work; work harder but don’t hate me for getting a promotion or a better job than you.

In what kind of world we’ll live in if we have to be ashamed of our qualities and assets? I’ll tell you, a pretty sad one.

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